Northwest Junior Pipe Band is excited to once again be competing at the Pacific NW Highland Games!
NWJPB at the 2023 Pacific NW Highland Games
Known by many names - “the Seattle games, Seattle, the Enumclaw games or just ‘The Claw’, this event is the grand finale for our summer competition season. With performances, competitions and massed bands spanning three days, we always come home exhausted but thrilled.
Look for our band info booth where you can buy an NWJPB t-shirt. Our volunteers can answer questions about the band and how kids can get involved in our Pipe Band School learner program.
More info:
The PNW Highland Games features…
Friday night pipe band showcase concert 7pm
PIping and drumming solo competitions both Saturday and Sunday morning
Pipe band competitions Saturday and Sunday
Piping quartet competition
Opening and closing ceremonies Saturday and Sunday including Massed Bands
Vendors selling Scottish food, kilts and other traditional goods
Clan association tents where you can research your family’s roots
Scottish athletics events
Friday night ‘pub piping’ competition
Sheep dog demonstrations
Beer garden and whisky tasting
Saturday night ceilidh with traditional music and dancing
3 separate stages with featured performers