
About Our Band
Founded in 1995, NWJPB is an enduring feature of the Pacific NW Scottish music community.

Excellence / Teamwork / Community
Learn to Play!
We are looking for kids ages 8-18 who like loud music and making new friends. Join anytime!

Bagpipes / Snare Drum / Tenor Drum / Bass Drum
Donate & Support
Find out how you can help support these young musicians and grow our instruction programs.

Sponsors / Donors / Scholarships
NWJPB band and soloists take home big prizes from the BC Pipers Association Annual Gathering!
Upcoming Events
Come cheer for the band as we perform for the Everett Aquasox opening ceremonies
Past Events
Third annual NWJPB Burns dinner and ceilidh. Scottish traditional food, drink and music! Performances by the pipe band and special guests. Ceilidh dancing with a live caller!
NWJPB will be performing for the Veterans Day celebration at Evergreen Washelli cemetery in Seattle.