2024 BCPA Grand Aggregate Winners!
Northwest Junior Pipe Band - BC Pipers Association grade 4 grand aggregate winners for 2024!
We are thrilled to announce that Northwest Junior Pipe Band has been awarded the Grand Aggregate in Grade 4 for the BC Pipers Association region.
The band competed in 6 contests over June and July, gaining 389 points overall. Here are the season’s placings per event.
Northwest Junior Pipe Band - Pacific NW Highland Games 2024
BC Pipers Assoc. Annual Gathering
MSR - 1st and Best Drum Corps
Medley - 1st and Best Drum Corps
Bellingham Scottish Gathering
MSR - 1st and Best Drum Corps
Medley - 1st
BC Highland Games
Northwest Junior Pipe Band members with their solo aggregate trophies and the 2024 aggregate trophy for grade 4 bands.
MSR - 3rd
Medley - 2nd
Skagit Valley Highland Games
MSR - 2nd and Best Drum Corps
Medley - 1st
Portland Highland Games
1st Overall - tie for Best Drum Corps
Pacific NW Highland Games
MSR - 1st
Medley - 1st
A huge thank-you to all of our instructors, parents, volunteers, sponsors and supporters for getting these kids on the field every year. And big thanks to the BC Pipers' Association for all of their time and dedication managing pipe band competitions throughout the year. Making the music happen is a massive community effort.
Now we get ready for 2025!